Kreis Live
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Time & location
28 jan 2024, 20:30
Touchstone Atelier, Oudegracht aan de Werf 427, 3511 AZ Utrecht, Netherlands
About the event
This is no trio of the shock and awe-technique, no unit that blows you away with technical tour de force or exaggerated ideas and emotions.
On the contrary, this is a band that slowly crawls under your skin, quietly entering to catch the listener and consequently submerge them with enough depth to stay away from woolly melancholy.
Kreis limits itself to the essence. Often lyrical, regularly mysterious, sometimes wringing. But always returning to the essence.
March 2019, the Belgian trio Kreis released their debut album ‘Askr’, a debut that was warmly welcomed by the Belgian press. In the same year, they make it to the finals of Jong Jazztalent Gent.
With Jazz Eats Borders, a cooperation between Stadtgarten Köln and Jazzlab Series, Kreis did a one-time cooperation with the german Jens Düppe Quartet.
September 2020 they released their 2nd album, ‘Embla’, on the innovative bwaa. records.
A tour organized by Jazzlab Series gave them the opportunity to present ‘Embla’ to different stages throughout Flandres (Handelsbeurs, Vrijstraat O./KAAP, Casino Sint-Niklaas, CC De Ververij Ronse, ...).
Both albums refer to Nordic mythology, where Askr and Embla are the first man and woman on earth.
The sequel, Fimbul, is being released September 2023, also on bwaa. records.